Special Guest: Dr. Frank Lipman

More than half of US adults have been diagnosed with at least one chronic disease. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here, we talk with integrative physician Frank Lipman, MD about the turnarounds that are possible when we look beyond “disease management” to whole-person health creation.

This week our guest is Dr. Frank Lipman, one of the world’s leading integrative physicians, a thought leader and innovator in the realm of disease reversal, and the author of a bunch of books, including his most recent, How to Be Well: The 6 Keys to a Happy and Healthy Life.

Frank Lipman, MD, is best known for helping high-profile celebrity clients — like Gwyneth Paltrow — reverse stubborn and mysterious health problems. But his real passion is educating regular people about what they can do to intervene in their own health conditions, and helping them upgrade their day-to-day self-care so that they can lead healthier, happier, more balanced lives.

Pilar first encountered Dr. Lipman when she was editing Experience Life magazine, and he became one of their favorite expert resources. He’s also a regular contributor at Goop and a variety of other leading health media sites. Plus, he hosts his own podcast, Tune into Wellness.

A practitioner of functional medicine and eastern healing methodologies, Frank seamlessly blends both into what he calls “good medicine” at his beautiful clinic, Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City, which is where Pilar interviewed him for this episode in Fall of 2019.

Here, we talk about the nature of health transformation. We explore what’s required for recovery from complex chronic conditions. And of course, we offer you some experiments to help you upgrade your own body-mind health in ways that work for you.

“Health Transformation with Dr. Frank Lipman” Episode Highlights

  • The art of inspiring people to make changes that transform their health
  • The importance of being in agreement with the body’s natural cycles and rhythms, starting with getting enough sleep
  • The benefits and potential downsides of using biometric devices to monitor our biomarkers and daily patterns
  • How we’ve adapted our rhythms to society, to the detriment of our health and happiness
  • The encouraging trend toward challenging conventional, symptom-suppressing medical approaches to chronic diseases and embracing whole-person, root-cause approaches instead
  • Dr. Lipman’s experience as the Chief Medical Officer of THE WELL wellness club in New York City
  • The focus on patient longevity at Dr. Lipman’s clinic, especially with older patients
  • The difficulties and successes in treating autoimmune diseases
  • The rapid mainstreaming of functional and personalized medicine and other body-mind approaches to health

Dr. Lipman’s Experiment of the Week

Try one or all of these experiments:

Experiment with not eating anything between your evening meal and around noon the next day, ideally a span of 14-16 hours between meals. Do this one day for the first week and two days the next week. Notice if morning hunger goes away and the amount of food you need to feel satisfied when you do eat decreases. Do you feel mentally sharper and clearer? Does the intermittent fasting get easier every time you do it?

For two weeks, try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Notice your activity levels. Do high-intensity activities become easier?

For three weeks, meditate for 15-20 minutes every morning after you wake up. Notice if you become less reactive to external factors.

Pilar’s Experiment of the Week

In reflecting on Dr. Lipman’s experiments, notice if you’re more able to manage a routine in the evening or in the morning and start there. Also, turn off all media and devices at least an hour before you go to bed, and try to get some natural outside light (without sunglasses) first thing in the morning.


Have You Read Pilar’s and Dallas’s New Books?

You’ve heard us talking about them for years. Wouldn’t you like to among the very first to read them? Both are on shelves now!

Book cover: The Healthy Deviant by Pilar Gerasimo
The Healthy Deviant by Pilar Gerasimo


The 4 Season Solution by Dallas Hartwig


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