On this week’s special guest episode of The Living Experiment, we’re talking about Decluttering.
This is a follow-up on our “Clutter” episode from earlier in the season, in which Pilar promised to consult her decluttering expert and Feng Shui-certified sister, Andrea, for some of her down-and-dirty practical tips.
Here, Andrea shares essential guidance on how to turbo-charge your decluttering projects, and how to avoid getting bogged down or overwhelmed in the process.
Andrea has been a pro declutterer for decades. She regularly consults and teaches workshops on the topic, and she’s the featured expert in an award-winning article and video series called “Order Out of Chaos” that’s featured in Experience Life magazine.
Blending Andrea’s philosophy, strategy, helpful techniques, and real-life examples, we set out to help you take charge of the clutter in your own world.
“Decluttering with Andrea Gerasimo” Episode Highlights
- The simple but important preparatory steps Andrea uses to set up her decluttering projects for success
- The value of creating and preserving “receptive space” — not just in your living environments, but in your schedule and your life
- Simple strategies for making decluttering more efficient, productive, and rewarding
- Different types of clutter and how to tackle them in your home
- The value of “defending with beauty” to keep new clutter from encroaching on recently decluttered territory
- How to avoid getting overwhelmed by a big or emotionally charged decluttering project
Pilar’s Experiment of the Week
Three options:
Using Andrea’s “multi-bin” technique, declutter a small area (like an overstuffed drawer, cupboard or your car) that has been annoying you.
Walk around your house with “fresh eyes,” looking at places clutter has accumulated or where “receptive space” would be appealing. Make a list of the areas that are asking for attention and consider scheduling some time to address them.
Read or watch one or more installments of Andrea’s “Order Out of Chaos” series from Experience Life magazine (see list of individual installments, below).
Andrea’s Experiment of the Week
Block off an entire day in your schedule for a “you” day (to use for decluttering or resting or whatever you like) — then notice what “comes up” that inclines you to give up that day or that impinges on it in some way. Consider how “schedule clutter” works much like physical clutter in your life, and how the two are connected.
Healthy, Happy Goodness
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- Andrea’s personal site, ThirdMountain.com, which offers more background on her and her work
- A description of one of Andrea’s previous Rancho La Puerta workshops
- David Allen’s book Getting Things Done
- For more related resources, see the “Clutter” episode of The Living Experiment
Via Experience Life magazine:
- Order Out of Chaos: The Closet
- Order Out of Chaos: The Bedroom
- Order Out of Chaos: The Home Office
- Order Out of Chaos: Bill Payment and Desk Organization
- Order Out of Chaos: The Linen Closet and Bathroom
- Order Out of Chaos: The Laundry and Mud Room, plus VIDEO of the process and results
- Order Out of Chaos: The Car
- Yoga for Your Home: Andrea’s take on how Feng Shui can transform your life by removing areas of blockages, tension, and friction
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