Top 10 Health Biggies

Wrapping up our successful first season, we share what we see as the top 10 fundamentals of happy, healthy living, how they connect and why they matter. If you’re looking for a quick tour of what whole-person wellbeing looks and feels like, you’ve come to the right place.

In this final episode of The Living Experiment’s first season, we offer a big picture view of what we see as the top 10 fundamentals of healthy, happy living, and how they fit into five key domains of wellbeing. We point out some of the essential connections between all these considerations, and we explain why each of them matters — especially those elements commonly overlooked or underemphasized by the conventional media. If you’re looking for a quick tour of what healthy living looks and feels like, you’ve come to the right place.

“Top 10 Health Biggies” Episode Highlights

  • Pilar outlines five dimensions of health and healthy living (4:40)
  • Dallas and Pilar share their top 10 biggies (fundamentals for being the most vital human you can be), in no particular order (7:40)
  • #1: Whole food nutrition and hydration (8:00)
  • #2: Rest and recovery (10:20)
  • #3: Healthy movement (12:00)
  • #4: Face-to-face intimate social connection (16:25)
  • #5: Empowered role in directing and managing your own healthcare (19:35)
  • #6: Minimal exposure to toxic chemicals, environments and relationships (25:10)
  • #7: Appropriate balance of stress/challenge and recovery/repair opportunity (29:00)
  • #8: Positive growth-and-learning mindset (32:15)
  • #9: Time in nature and the outdoors (35:50)
  • #10: Conscious, discerning relationship with media and marketing (39:00)
  • The art of conducting (and being) your own “living experiment” (43:55)

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